Aviation Day 2012


Registration is closed for 2012

    Scouts or Students

All the academic requirements for the Aviation merit badge will be covered during the course of the day. When the Scouts or Students arrives they will be supplied with a BSA approved Aviation Merit Badge workbook, tailored to this event.  Merit Badge Counselors will accompany each Session of 25 Scouts/Students throughout the day.  If the Scout completes the work they will be able to work directly with the counselor to complete the merit badge and blue card signifying completion. 

Make sure you note your Troop, School or organization information at the appropriate point in the registration process as we will group them by that entry.  Participants will be grouped by organization with up to 25 Participants  per Session.  Other Groups and Organizations may be included in your Session.

Because the day is quite demanding, and the material is aimed at career orientation we are encouraging Young Adults 14 and up to register. We won't prevent younger Participants from attending, but have found that older Participants tend to be able to take in all the material provided without being overwhelmed. Alaska Airlines expects to continue hosting this event annually so opportunities to attend in the future will be available to younger Scouts or older Scouts that are not able to attend this year.


All Adults who whish to attend the event must register individually   Adults do not count toward our maximum capacity of 400 participants.  Up to 3 Adults may follow the Session around at a time.  More than 3 Adults begin to impact transportation during the event.  An Adult reception area will be available in the Alaska Flight Operations building for drivers and Adults not following the Participants around.

Emergency contact information is required for each Scout.

Each Scout must bring a signed Permission Slip.

Please provide your email address.  We will send a conformation to the Session you will be attending by email. 

Adults accompanying the Session Groups must register.


If you have any questions, Please visit our FAQ page.